Dao De Jing by Lao Zi, translator unknown chapter 39 (Partial) These things of old obtained unity with the one. Heaven obtained unity and became clear. Earth obtained unity and became firm. The spirits obtained unity and became deities. The valleys obtained unity and became abundant. All things obtained unity and became animate. Princes and kings obtained unity and became rulers of the world. They all obtained unity with the one... Swings on all three planes: wheel plane, door plane and table plane. Preparation: Connecting our fields with arms extended out to the side, palms facing forward, imagine connecting and holding hands with qi friends on zoom in a large circle Connect earth and sky with palms facing down Here comes the waves: Moving and Flowing 1. Spine waves from small to large 2.Waves up & down 3.Sides up and down 4.Repulse monkey 5.Opening and Closing in front of chest 6.Spine waves (small) 7. Spine waves (Large with arms circle) 8.Earth circle R & L 9.Double arms circle to L & R (door plane) 10.Cloud hands 11.Embrace moon 12.Golden Rooster 13.Gather the Qi ball in the belly Section II Swinging and releasing 1. Swing F & B 2. Swing with arms opening and releasing 3. Swing with single arm front and back alternatively 4. Swing with double arms side to side 5. Swing with double arms in a full circle 6. Swing and release 7.Close Lift Qi Up & Pour Qi Down 3x The World Taiji & Qigong logo designed by Children's book illustrator, Lynn Bywaters dancenlight.orgHappy World Taiji & Qigong Day everyone! Thank you for joining our World Qi Waves today! |