Essence of Zhineng Qigong I, II, III (Part 1, 20 classes)

Essence of Zhineng Qigong I, II, III (Part 1, 20 classes)
In these two 20 week courses, Lorelei will be focusing on the key principles of Zhineng Qigong’s practice, truly dive deep into the form and focus on essences of the Zhineng Qigong level I, II, III, as well as short qigong methods (Xiao Gong Fa) in the Zhineng Qigong system. She will be sharing some extensive tips, including her own understanding of the forms and approaches that she has been using for her own practice of Zhineng Qigong and other Qigong methods.

In addition, Lorelei is excited to introduce Huan Yang Wo Gong(HYWG). HYWG is a Daoist Qigong practice for supporting sleep and nourishing Qi. Through some simple qigong exercises in supine position with specific instruction to help body quickly returns to its relaxed state so we can have restorative sleep. It’s an excellent qigong practice at the end of evening session. However, when practice during the day, the same Huan Yuan Wo Gong also will help body to store Yang energy and reserve the source of Qi.

-Eight phrases in both Chinese & English in depth practice
-Left Qi UP & Pour Qi Down(LQUPQD) with 18 repetitions
-Huan Yuan Wo(sleep) Gong
-Lao Qi Method
-Chen Qi Method
-Practice LQUPQD with three push and pull repeatition
-Xing Shen Zhuang, Zhineng Qigong Level 2 (partial)
-Push & Pull practice with 30-50 repetitions
-Three hearts merge stance
-Xun Jing Dao Yin Method (Follow the energy channel Dao Yin)
-Wall Squad
-Bladder Meridian Stretch Method
-Five Element Yin Organ Sound healing (Zhineng Qigong level 3)
-Crane & Dragon Neck
-Floor stretch and strengthen exercises

$316 (Student who have taken the course before)
$366 (Others)
$27 Single class

Payment Method:

Venmo (lorelei-chang, a picture with her dog)
PayPal (, last 4 phone 6146, please pay through family and friend to avoid 3.5% service fee)
Check (Mail to: Lorelei Chang at 15 Stonehenge Road, South Windsor, CT 06704)

Photo by Jeff Holcombe