Qigong For Soothing the Heart I (10 Classes)

Qigong For Soothing the Heart I (10 Classes)
Lorelei is excited to share 10 week Qigong series on “Qigong for soothing the heart and regulating the blood.” in Chinese, "Shu Xin Ping Xue Gong”. 

Shu Xin Ping Xue Gong is the first set of exercises in the Fu Yin Health Preserving Kung Fu created by Professor Zhang Guangde of Beijing Sport University. Aiming at the etiology and pathology of diseases, it is created and compiled under the guidance of the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation and treatment, the theory of viscera and meridians, and related theories of modern medicine.

This form of Qigong contains eight sections. The Qigong movements follow the energy channels (Mai Luo in Chinese) in the body, release the heat in the heart and regulates the blood flow. Specifically, it is designed to improve heart's overall function and balancing the flow of the blood.

-Detailed instruction of each movement
-Enhance balance, strength and flexibility
-Heart meridian pathway 
-The partners of the heart
-Creative exploration of Qi
-Qi detox
-Whole body movement and listening
-Five Elements accordance of the inner organs
-Heartfelt Qi Improvisation

Each session will be sent electronically when payment is made via Venmo or Paypal. You can choose to get the links or having the recordings on a flash drive and mail it to you with additional $10

$200 when purchase for the entire series (For those who have taken this course before)
$250 when purchase for the entire series (Others)
$27 when purchase for a single session


I have really enjoyed the Heart classes. I think I enjoy the repetition of learning and expanding on the same form each class. Also your talks about the heart have been so meaningful.