Qigong Workshop taught by Mark R. Reinhart

Qigong Workshop taught by Mark R. Reinhart
Mark R. Reinhart, past President of National Qigong Association, returns with an exciting workshops including "Awaken, consolidate and circulate your qi", "Yang family Qigong" and "Yijing (IChing) reading". A portion of the workshop proceeded to benefit dancEnlight. Please see the program below. For information about Mark R. Reinhart, please visit his website: www.threepurerives.com

Session 1, 9am-noon, Awaken, Consolidate & Circulate Your Qi" $55

Session 2, 1:00-3:00pm, Yang Family Qigong, $45

Session 3, 3:30-5:30pm, YiJing (IChing) teachings, practice and readings, $45

Full Day Price: $125 including all sessions