Qigong Enrichment Program Online features Lonny Jarrett and Suan Armstrong.
December 13th, 2020.

Qigong Enrichment Program Online features Lonny Jarrett and Suan Armstrong
Qigong Enrichment Program on Zoom

Guest Presenters: Lonny Jarrett and Suan Armstrong
Hosted by Lorelei Chang

Date & Time: Sunday, December 12, 1pm-3pm
Fee: $35 (For current Qi Medicine students), $55 (Others)

To Register, please email Lorelei at dancenlight@gmail.com


Chinese physiology as a psych-physiology of body, mind, soul and spirit by Lonny Jarrett

In this class we'll consider CV-1(Hui Yin) and GV-20 (Bai Hui) as they mirror each other to create the central axis (Taiji) of the human being. I'll discuss Chinese creation mythology  in relationship to their functioning and physiology. I'll present Chinese physiology as a psych-physiology of body, mind, soul, and spirit. Time permitting we will also cover GV-4 (Ming Men).

Seasonal ceremonial celebration with sound healing
by Suan Armstrong

One of Suan’s most fulfilling creative offerings is to host seasonal ceremonial celebrations of the Equinoxes and Solstices, where she weaves together a sound/color healing concert, creative movement, Dances of Universal Peace, Qigong and shamanic traditions of the stars and sacred trees.

For the Qigong Enrichment program, Suan will be sharing a shortened ceremonial celebration devoted to the Winter Solstice which arrives Monday, December 21, 2020. During our time together, we will explore the use of the vocal toning and visual frequencies of colors in the chakras and meridians, the sacred tree and star of the Winter Solstice, and conclude with a sound/color healing meditation with monochord, voice, chakra chimes, flutes and Tibetan singing bowls. She looks forward to being in the Qi field with all of you!

Meet The Presents

Lonny Jarrett

Lonny has been practicing Chinese Medicine In Stockbridge, Massachusetts since 1986. He is a founding board member of the Ac. Soc. Of Mass. and a Fellow of the National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Lonny is author of Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicineand, The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine. He holds a master’s degree in neurobiology and a fourth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He was recently featured in the text, “The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling” by best selling author Stephen Cope. Lonny hosts NourishingDestiny.com, an online community for 3000 practitioners of Chinese medicine worldwide. His teaching schedule is at: www.chinesemedicine.courses and his texts are available from SpiritPathpress.com.

Suan Armstrong

Hi, I’m Suan and on a good day I’ve been called “the magical flutist”. An Indian friend translated “Su An” in sanskrit to mean "God Sound," which I continually embrace with the intent for the sounds to be of the highest frequency and benefit to all. My greatest joy at the age of four was to sing and dance around the living room.This joyous theme has reverberated throughout my life, devoted to sharing a great love of music, movement,
Qigong and self-expression with others, through teaching, healing concerts, workshops and ceremonial celebrations. In 1994 my healing journey followed a path of sound, color, creative movement and Qigong with masterful teachers including: Don Campbell, David Darling, Fabien Maman, Jill Purce, Nancy Topf, Gabrielle Roth, Robert Peng, Ken Cohen, Lorelei Chang, Mingtong Gu, and Ted Cibik. Part of the journey has included the
privilege of participating in and leading sound healing concerts in the US, Canada and Europe. Some of my favorites are: Domaine des Courmettes, France; Sivananda Yoga Centre, Val Morin, Canada; Saltana Ridgefield, CT; Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY; in NYC the New York Open Center, Integral Yoga Institute,
and Saint John the Divine; Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Stockbridge, MA; Agape International Spiritual Center, Los Angeles, CA.