Qigong Enrichment Program Online

Qigong Enrichment Program Online

Qigong Enrichment Program will be launched on Saturday, 5/30, from 10:30am-12:30pm. This 2-hour program will help our Qigong lovers to expand the knowledge of Qigong and other related subjects. The program will include:

- Guest speakers (some of my best Qigong, Shiatsu, meditation and Chinese medicine teachers and friends, as well as some well-established nutritionists and artists)
- Healing food Recipes
- Qigong exercises
- Dao De Jing/Ancient text sharing
- Online live or recorded performances (dance, music, poetry, cooking, singing and everything creative and possible)

My goal is to keep the Enrichment Program affordable, enjoyable and educational. It will run once a month at a low cost so that more people can participate. At the same time, I also would like to respect my guests and be able to cover stipends to them. For the registered students in May, I would like to offer a discount rate, $35 for the two-hour session. This program is also opened to non-registered students at $55. If you haven’t paid the May fee yet, please feel free to add the payment for the Enrichment program together for a total of $99($64+$35).

5/30 program includes:

10:30am to11am Live Chinese Calligraphy and dance performance by Mai Nakanishi (My incredible twin sister who is world class artist, will be performing live at her Tokyo home, CAN’T MISS IT!) For her bio please visit: maidancenlight.com

11am to 12noon Guest speaker-Nini Melvin (Healing with Five Elements). I am completely honored to have my beloved Five Element Shiatsu teacher Nini here to share her knowledge and wisdom! For her bio, please visit: ninimelvin.com

12noon to 12:15pm Food recipe for healing: Easy recipe to nourish the body

12:15-12:30pm A short Qigong exercises for cultivating Spring Qi